Welcome to the Osceola Hills Social Group May Newsletter. We are delivering this newsletter to you in a single link (above) where you can view the Newsletter from our new website without cluttering up your email storage with big files.
We had a busy April and looking forward to the Derby Night, Ladies Luncheon and Poker Run/Picnic events coming up. (see more details on our website)
We are excited to announce our newly launched website for our social group at OsceolaHillsSocialGroup.com. On the website you'll find ways to connect with us, a list of all upcoming events, an archive of newsletters, and photos from recent events. We hope you'll take a moment to explore the new site.
Name Badges. We have added Peggy Green's name, phone and email to the front page of the newsletter, under the names of the officers, so you can contact her directly for name badges.
If you have not yet done so, please sign up for Derby Night fast approaching on May 9th. You'll find details under Events on our new website. OsceolaHillsSocialGroup.com
Don't forget, please visit the link below to view the May Newsletter.
Thanks all
Dave Collins - President - Osceola Hills Social Group.